PR-936 Trims
Base Flashing - MEBF1
Base flashing is used as a trim on the bottom of wall panels to prevent any rodent access.
Also used as a gable end wall divide.
Door Jamb - MEDJ1
Door jamb flashing is used to provide a maintenance free trim on all overhead and sliding door openings.
Allows for approximately 7″ of coverage
Door Jamb - MEDJ2
Door jamb flashing is used to provide a maintenance free trim on all overhead and sliding door openings.
Allows for approximately 8″ of coverage.
Drip Cap - MEDC1
Drip cap is a flashing used along the eaves and rakes to allow water run-off to drip clear of underlying construction.
Drip Cap - MEDC2
Drip cap is a flashing used along the eaves and rakes to allow water run-off to drip clear of underlying construction.
Inside Corner - MEISC1
Inside corner is used on inside corners where two walls using metal panels intersect or where wall and ceiling meet.
J Trim - MEJT2
J Trim is used to cap raw panel edges where run-off is not a problem. Most commonly, j trim metal is used to cap the top edges of skirting, the top and sides of doors, the bottom and sides of windows, and in many cases the top of windows for aesthetics and continuity.
L Flashing - MELF2
L-Flashing is used in areas where two planes meet to form a 90 degree angle. The flashing is important to keep water from causing damage.
Allows for approximately 2″ of coverage
L Flashing - MELF4
L-Flashing is used in areas where two planes meet to form a 90 degree angle. The flashing is important to keep water from causing damage.
Allows for approximately 4″ of coverage
L Flashing - MELF6
L-Flashing is used in areas where two planes meet to form a 90 degree angle. The flashing is important to keep water from causing damage.
Allows for approximately 6″ of coverage
Outside Corner - MEOSC1
Used to finish an outside corner when minimum coverage is required. Straddles the ribs of the panels where they meet at the corner of the building.
Allows for approximately 1.875″ of coverage.
Outside Corner - MEOSC2
Covers the ribs of the panels where they meet at the corner of the building.
Allows for approximately 5.125″ of coverage
Outside Corner - MEOSC5
An outside corner recommended for SHADOW WALL®
Allows for approximately 5″ of coverage.
Top Mount Track Cover - METMTC
Top mount track cover is used for Cannonball Door Systems, as a coloured option for Key-Hole Track cover.
Eave Flashing - MEEF1
Eave flashing gives a finished look along the drip eave of the house, as well as providing protection for the materials they cover.
Allows for approximately 4.625″ of roof coverage and 2″ of wall coverage.
Eave Flashing - MEEF2
Eave flashing gives a finished look along the drip eave of the house, as well as providing protection for the materials they cover.
Allows for approximately 4.375″ of roof coverage and 3.25″ of wall coverage.
Endwall Flashing - MEEW1
Endwall flashing is applied where the upward slope of a roof meets the wall. The wall side of the endwall flashing can be covered with siding or counter-flashing, and outside closures are necessary to seal between the flashing and the panel.
Fascia - MEFAS6
Protects your building from moisture by covering various gaps.
Fascia - MEFAS8
Protects your building from moisture by covering various gaps.
Fascia - MEFAS10
Protects your building from moisture by covering various gaps.
Gable Flashing - MEGF1
Gable flashing is used to trim the edge of the roofing panel at the gable end of the roof. It should match the eave flashing that extends along the drip edge of the roof.
This Gable flashing allows for approximately 3″ of coverage.
Gable Flashing - MEGF2
Gable flashing is used to trim the edge of the roofing panel at the gable end of the roof. It should match the eave flashing that extends along the drip edge of the roof.
This Gable flashing allows for approximately 4″ of coverage
Hip Cap - MEHC1
Used to cap off the hips of a roof.
Allows for approximately 5″ of coverage. Pitch must be specified at time of ordering.
Peak Cap - MEPC1
Peak cap is used on the top leading edge of “mono” roof systems to prevent the penetration of moisture and foreign objects.
Allows for approximately 4″ of coverage.
Pitch Break - METF1
Pitch break/transition flashing prevents leakage at the point where two different roof pitches meet. It is sealed on the lower side with outside large closures, and can be sealed underneath the upper panels with inside small closures.
Rake Cap - MERR1
Residential rake cap is designed to be used on gable ends where roof panels extend beyond the gable fascia.
Ridge Cap - MERC1
Used to seal the point at which two upward slopes meet, which can be both along the ridge of the roof as well as covering for the hip. Closures under ridge caps come in two types: solid and vented.
Allows for approximately 4.5″ of coverage. Recommended for solid closures.
Ridge Cap - MERC2
Used to seal the point at which two upward slopes meet, which can be both along the ridge of the roof as well as covering for the hip. Closures under ridge caps come in two types: solid and vented.
Allows for approximately 6.5″ of coverage.
Recommended for vented closures.
Ridge Cap - MERC3
Used to seal the point at which two upward slopes meet, which can be both along the ridge of the roof as well as covering for the hip. Closures under ridge caps come in two types: solid and vented.
Allows for approximately 6″ of coverage.
Sidewall Flashing - MESW1
Sidewall flashing is applied when the side of the roof butts up against an adjacent wall. The wall side of the flashing can either be covered over with siding or sealed with caulk.
This Sidewall flashing allows for approximately 6.375″ of coverage.
Snow Break - MESB1
Snow break flashing are placed horizontally across the ribs of the roof panels to impede or break up the flow of snow off the metal roof. It is generally placed above entry ways or traffic areas.
Snow Break - MESB2
Snow break flashing are placed horizontally across the ribs of the roof panels to impede or break up the flow of snow off the metal roof. It is generally placed above entry ways or traffic areas.
A two piece snow break for added strength.
Step Flashing - MESF2
Step flashing is used where a vertical surface meets a sloping roof plane.
Valley Flashing 'W' - MEVF1
Valley Flashing is the standard flashing used in valleys to protect against any moisture penetration. Expanding closures are used to provide a good seal.
Valley Flashing 'W' - MEVF2
Valley Flashing is the standard flashing used in valleys to protect against any moisture penetration. Expanding closures are used to provide a good seal.
Allows for approximately 17″ of coverage.
Valley Flashing - MEVF3
Valley Flashing is the standard flashing used in valleys to protect against any moisture penetration. Expanding closures are used to provide a good seal.
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