Designed to reduced door sway, wind damage and makes for easier door operation. The stayguide II requires 60% coverage of door panel.
Part #724575
Adjustable Stay Roller
Recommended for Kwik Frame Door Systems with a solid wood panel doors smaller than 140 sq.ft.
Part #710806
Center Door Guide & Stop Package
The center door guide and stop package reduces the amount of door sway and prevents opening or closing beyond a predefined stopping point. It is a floor mount guide ideal for cement surfaces.
Part #711271
White Adjust-A-Stop
The white adjust-a-stop is designed for doors 2-3/4" to 4-1/4" thick. A recessed bolt head protects door finish and is recommended to be mounted with lag bolts. Comes in white, vinyl-coated, heavy, 10ga, zinc-plated steel.